Executive Coaching

The Center for Global Consciousness empowers leaders to lead from the heart. Leaders who lead from the heart emanate harmonious work environments that inspire peak performance. Our work is informed by a deep understanding of adult human development, the neuroscience of leadership, and the science of consciousness. Inspired by the work of various constructive developmental theorists, including Abraham Maslow, Brian Hall and Benjamin Tonna, Ken Wilber, David Hawkins, and Don Beck and Christopher Cowen, we encourage our clients to achieve their fullest potential.

We meet our clients where they are on their developmental journeys. We adopt a unique approach for each client, depending on her or his unique circumstances. We often use traditional assessment tools to increase self-awareness and self-mastery.

We also provide strategic advice to CEOs and their executive teams based on decades of experience in corporate environments. We understand how power flows within organizations and help leaders optimize their personal power for optimal effectiveness in such environments.